It is LGBTQ History Month but in the US as in UK it us in February. Nonetheless we at New Breeze being a global outfit take time to remember both months as LGBTQ History is worth reliving and revisting.

Every week we will focus on one LGBTQ Historic figure. This week we will focus on James Baldwin. A multi talented gay man, James wrote many great works some of which touched on Homosexuality. He was also an articulate speaker, social critic and friend of the Father Of Civil Rights Movement Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Being a black gay man in the days of James was a tough life but the way James lived it was impeccable. He did not allow the racial and homophobic challenges in society affect his Gay intellect that he proudly flounted every time he got a chance. His is a story of being who you are no matter what people say.

This October we salute James Baldwin…. A Great Gay Hero…. Happy LGBTQ HISTORY MONTH.

New Breeze.